Jesus has answer to knife & gang nightmare

Still going through reading the wisdom in the Bible’s book of Proverbs, on the 1st of a new month. Proverbs 1 starts with the promises of wisdom (my version especially talks about how young men need this), before describing the lure of wickedness.

Verses 10 to 14 could have come right out of the mouths of some very lost boys who featured in a disturbing documentary I watched last night; Kids, Knives, and Broken Lives. I have also been brought to tears as I’ve read about the latest boy, Ben Kinsella, stabbed to death in London. 16 years of age!

What the teenagers featured on the show said they were looking for was, “Respect.” (‘If you don’t have respect,’ said one, ‘you don’t have nothing!’). The way they get that? By imparting fear.

Dig below the surface a little though and you saw a lot of fear in them too, these kids can’t leave their own streets!

Parenting guru Steve Biddulph reports that this macho front is a classic sign of what is called under-fathering (he says the opposite extreme of the same problem is to become and remain a ‘Mummy’s boy.’). Where are young men to look for role models?

The Bible says ‘Bad company corrupts good character.” Imagine being brought up, with little or no parental discipline or love – then a gang invites you to belong. Our nation needs some David Wilkersons to rise up, find the Nicky Cruz equivalents on our doorsteps and bring them to know the Lord who loves them. Are they too far gone for that? If you think so – you MUST watch this video:

Look at wisdom’s prescription these young men need to hear; the words of a wise HEAVENLY Father:

….if bad companions tempt you,
don’t go along with them.
If they say—”Let’s go out and raise some hell.
Let’s beat up some old man, mug some old woman.
Let’s pick them clean
and get them ready for their funerals.
We’ll load up on top-quality loot.
We’ll haul it home by the truckload.
Join us for the time of your life!
With us, it’s share and share alike!”—
….don’t give them a second look;
don’t listen to them for a minute.
They’re racing to a very bad end,
hurrying to ruin everything they lay hands on.

From the Message – Proverbs 1